About CAC

Colleges Against Cancer is a peer-led organization on the Rice campus that focuses on cancer prevention, education and advocacy work. CAC is affiliated with a nationwide collaboration of students dedicated to eliminating cancer by initiating and supporting programs of the American Cancer Society. They participate annually in the Relay For Life, a fundraising event for the American Cancer Society. The staff advisor for CAC is Emily Page, Director of the Wellness Center.

CAC is designed to allow students and staff to work through many different channels to eliminate cancer. These channels are in the strategic directions of advocacy, cancer education programs, Relay For Life, and survivorship. The local Rice chapter works alongside local offices and national leadership to support the efforts of the American Cancer Society in these directions. Whether it is writing letters to Congressmen, organizing a Relay For Life, or teaching students about preventing cancer - the program enables Rice students to battle cancer right on our campus.

If you would like to learn more and get involved with CAC, please feel free to contact Vasu Mantravadi or Yian Lo. Everyone's welcome to join!